Archived projects of 2013

Happy New Year! Many of you, dear readers, should have received the latest issue of The Unity Freeze, but due to the lack of a central repository, this year there is an archived page there is room for all the latest updates of Unity and related projects. All links to the web pages are included in the text, you can find the latest version on the web.On the software side, there are quite a lot of interesting things, but the first few pages of the newsletter are all about projects that are still in the planning stages and have not yet been fully implemented. As you know, this is due to the fact that there are a lot of them and they are distributed in different ways.To avoid fragmentation, I have divided the site into three parts, each of which contains links to related projects. Part I - Knowledge Base, Part II - Main site, and Part III - Articles and video tutorials.Knowledge Base - This is a new section of the site, where the latest from the authors is posted. It will soon become a new home for all the latest developments in the game and its ecosystem. Also, they will publish a new training material for Unity. It is planned to create a separate section on game engines. This will include articles, videos, and code reviews.Part I - Knowledge Base, Part II- Main site/Part III- Articles and video tutorialsUnity - Unity has always been a strong competitor for Google, and it has recently begun to exert its influence in the home and desktop space. Nevertheless, the search engine still recommends Google, and the result is very surprising. Given that the company still offers its own service, it is worth mentioning.Unity has long established itself as a platform on which many different things can be added. Now everything will be even more specialized, the possibilities for growth are limitless. New game engines, they will be added. As a result, research and development will accelerate, and the possibilities for perfecting the product are very great.New game engines will enable you to create not only games, but also full-fledged ecosystems. This will allow you to quickly find and fix bugs, but also provide the necessary gameplay components for the game to last many hours.This is only a part of the benefits. Now let's move on to the possible drawbacks, which you can take into account when choosing a platform. I hope, you found the most suitable choice.Remember that with this, I only considered the desktop side of things, and not the mobile side, because that is not the case.New game engines will also allow you to create full-fledged ecosystems. This will allow you to create full-fledged browsers and applications, which will open up new opportunities. For example, create a desktop browser that runs Android, iOS, and Android apps side by side. This will be very convenient and convenient, considering that the browser is installed on